canon law

美 [ˌkænən ˈlɔː]英 [ˌkænən ˈlɔː]
  • n.基督教教会法规
canon lawcanon law


the law of the Christian church

canon law


  • 1
    N-UNCOUNT (基督教教会及其教徒恪守的)教会法规,教规
    Canon law is the law of the Christian church. It has authority only for that church and its members.

    The Church's canon law forbids remarriage of divorced persons.



the body of codified laws governing the affairs of a Christian church
Synonym: ecclesiastical law


  1. The Church 's canon law forbids remarriage of divorced persons .


  2. It'says that under Canon Law , excommunication is automatic for ordinations without papal approval .


  3. International Association for the Study of Canon Law


  4. On the Legal Rights Medieval Western Women Had in the Canon Law


  5. The Power Relationship Between Canon Law and Common Law Courts in Medieval England


  6. They are , properly speaking , the active sources of canon law .


  7. A system of law having its origin in Roman law , as opposed to common law or canon law .


  8. Canon law was in decline in the tenth and early eleventh centuries .


  9. Of or relating to or required by canon law . other conditions prescribed in regulations and rules .


  10. As an unique legal system , canon law is a set of legal norms which take effect in the church exclusively .


  11. This exerts a tremendous influence on the Canon Law , Roman Law and Merchant Law in the Middle Ages .


  12. Born in either 1431 or 1432 , he was brought up by a professor of canon law in Paris .


  13. Legal evidence was officially formed in the Middle Ages , which closely linked with the Roman canon law proceedings .


  14. The Way the Relationship Between the Church and the State Was Perceived and Regulated by the Medieval Canon Law in Western Europe


  15. The civil laws of today , unfortunately founded on canon law , deprive me of the rights of humanity .


  16. Of , relating to , or required by canon law . Integration of Economic Planning , Land Use Planning , and Urban Planning : Theory and Approach


  17. Fact : Did you know ? Roman Catholic canon law used to dictate that women keep their heads covered during Mass .


  18. The rising of autonomy of the will related with BRIT in Christianism and developed by Canon law .


  19. Judicial separation , also called separation , originated from the Canon Law of Christianity in Mediaeval Europe , and still exists today .


  20. While influenced by the Roman law and canon law , the English idea of corporation assimilated the German group-based idea of law .


  21. A person specializing in canon law . Theoretically speaking , the study of religious ethics can push forward the development of both ethics and religious studies ;


  22. The essay tries to analyze the relationship between canon law and English law , in order to seek for an ordinary model to the development of Middle-English law .


  23. " Decretal : a decree , especially a papal letter giving a decision on a point or question of Canon law . "


  24. On the basis of the Roman law , the legal person was conceptualized with the revival of the Roman law and the compilation of the new canon law .


  25. Under John Paul the Curia acquired a string of new " pontifical councils ", quasi-ministries that deal with everything from health workers to canon law .


  26. Before equity of the chancery came into being , common law , roman law and canon law had run in England , and they all had notions of equity and rules of equity .


  27. This part makes the historical analysis of our personality right protection of civil law , which seeks the ethical basis of personality right protection through the comparative analysis of protection of personality right taken by Rome and medieval canon law .


  28. For several centuries development , couple separation system , which roots from Canon Law in Middle Ages Europe , become an significant part of the legal system in some countries and regions now , show out its vitality day by day .


  29. Canon law is such a typical example : the Bible represents the faith of the church , it is the way to the promise land , the laws represents the order of the church , it is necessary to found a community .


  30. Chapter 5 discusses Christianity and the theory of the Private Property Rights in the modern western society It expounds that medieval theologians made comments on the Roman law and canon law , and finally shaped up the modern meanings of the Private Property Rights .
